Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pashmina - A Gift That Will Last

Gift Products

Whether it be for an anniversary gift, birthday gift, thank you gift, Christmas gift, or any other special occasion, you can never go wrong by buying a nice Cashmere scarf, shawl, or wrap. Benefits of this gift --

* They are such a unique gift idea.
* They are great to add flare to any outfit in her wardrobe!
* They don't take up near as much space as shoe collections.
* A girl can never complain that she has too many!

Gift Products Unique Gift
Why a Cashmere type ? Most wool is from the small hairs on sheep, which is great for keeping you warm in any weather, but the problem is that wool itches. Who wants to use an itchy scarf or shawl? Cashmere wool is wool but it is different in that it comes from the Cashmere goat and is also known as Pashmina. Pashinas are one of the finest fleeces available. Pashminas look beautiful on any girl at any age. Since they can be dyed in different colors, they can really add color to any outfit.

The Pashmina wool comes from a special breed of goat that is found in the Himalayan Mountains. For many thousands of years, shawls have been made from this special goat's fleece. Capra hircus is the name of this special Himalayan Mountain goat, and its fleece is carefully hand-picked using a course comb. This process does not hurt the goats at all, and since it grows back each year, it is a great renewable resource.

Beautiful Gift, Gift Product

Since Pashmina wool can't tolerate a whole lot of tension, it is usually mixed in a 50/50 blend of Pashmina and silk to give it added strength while still maintaining the smooth comfort. Some shawls use more Pashmina, ranging up to 70% or even 100% Pashmina. The higher the amount of pure Pashmina in the fabric, usually the more expensive that the item will be.

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1 comment:

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