Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Christmas Gift ideas - follow tradition of giving gifts

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Christmas gifts embrace so much of variety, it's amazing to see their range and diversity.

Most of us turn into a confused lot pondering over. Which gift would be apt ? Which one is to be given to the near and dear ones, to businesses and bosses, to clients and colleagues and.., well your head starts reeling.

So don't let ideas take over you. Keep your head cool. Get your Christmas list ready, clear your thoughts. Think about following Christmas gifts ideas -

* Music / Instructional videos
* Lesson with a golf pro, tennis pro or personal trainer
* Scrapbook making kit
* Desktop organizer
* Calendar (leather bound for the desk, or electronic for technology lovers)
* Gourmet snack basket for the Rose Bowl
* Photo-frames, Wall hangings, nice paintings
* Flower vases, Garden accents
* Candle lantern holder

Before finalizing Christmas gifts think about following also

* What is his/her special hobby or interest ?
* Where ( event, theater ) he/she would like to go ?
* Where would she/he like to visit ?
* What is her/his special food item
* What is her/his favorite color ?